Tuesday, March 29, 2011

in the mood to shop

definitely heading to the thrift store after work today.  cross your fingers for some good finds!


Monday, March 28, 2011

to do


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Monday, March 21, 2011

cherry blossoms

Source: google.ca via Sheena on Pinterest

Spring marks the start of the cherry blossom festival in Washington DC!  This year's fest is from March 26th - April 10th with a peak bloom predicted for March 29th-April 3rd.  This is something you need to see at least once in your life.  The blossoms are overwhelming during their peak and the mood of the park is so joyful and relaxed.  People actually take their time to look at the trees.

The pics below are from the festival 2 years ago.  Hope you have a great Monday,



Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday fine (art)

Source: avam.org via Sheena on Pinterest

Patty Kuzbida, 2010,

The American Visionary Art museum's current exhibit is : What makes us smile? (on view until Sep. 2011).

If you are in the Baltimore area you NEED to visit this museum.  period.  thanks.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Saturday, March 12, 2011

I heart globes

Do you love chalkboard paint as much as I do?  When I saw these globes on DesignSponge I thought I was going to pass out.  They....are....perfect.

enjoy your Saturday!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Fat Tuesday

I made my great-Grandma's recipe for donuts tonight in celebration of the holiday and because WHAT ELSE are you supposed to do on a night of gluttony?  eat donuts of course.

The recipe is really easy and I thought I'd share it in case you succumb to donut pressure too....

oscar watched the whole process and never took his eyes off a finished donut...as you can see in the last photo.

tomorrow:  give up donuts


Monday, March 7, 2011

motivate me Monday

Happy Monday from my 1st grade -(puppets in progress).  That's a snorkel on the far right.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


I came across Christopher Jonassen's Devour project this weekend and could NOT STOP looking at it.  Take a look at the images from this project and try to guess what they are.

Source: flickr.com via Sheena on Pinterest

Source: flickr.com via Sheena on Pinterest

Source: flickr.com via Sheena on Pinterest

Source: flickr.com via Sheena on Pinterest

Did you guess planets?

Jonassen actually photographed the bottom of frying pans in order to comment on the "wear and tear" that each has experienced.  What I love most about the project is the way each pan reveals its history.   I definitely flipped over my frying pans after viewing his project.

You can check out more of Jonassen's work by viewing his website (where you can also buy his book, Devour) or by viewing his flicker account.  Great photographer.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

March is Youth Art Month!

Happy March to everyone!  Aside from being the first month to include a touch of spring, March is also home to Youth ART Month (YAM).  We're doing a TON of things at school to celebrate and hopefully you all can find the time to participate in YAM activities near your neighborhood.

At my school we're preparing for two art shows, both of which have back-to-back receptions (yikes).  I will share a few images from those nights throughout the month.

One of the exhibits is at our local library.  In fact, throughout the month of March in Maryland, you can find art exhibits at any local library.  Let me know if you do library art shows in your state.

I am so impressed with the artwork my students crank out....here's a sneak peak of what's on display for our Asian art show.

second grade, paper mache sculptures, China Warrior & China girl

have a great day,