livin in the nova |
Well hello loyal readers, its been a while. I took a much needed break from blogging to take time for myself over the past month but now I'm back to share art, ideas, and who knows what else with you and yours if you're willing to stick around.
During my hiatus Kyle and I moved to northern Virginia and let me tell you....we are soaking up the area as much as we can.
Fact: there are too many good food options around here. It makes you want to never cook dinner again. Seriously. Why should you when you have "fast food French" or "Korean BBQ" down the street?
Fact: everything is fancy. hello, Betsy Johnson boutique at the local mall.... and Whole Foods that makes me want to pass out because of how awesome it is.
Fact: everyone has manners here. Even getting our VA driver's license was pleasant.
Fact: school starts
after Labor day here (that's how it should be) so I still have a couple weeks of summer left. I plan to be as productive as possible and hope to share some photogs or paintings with you as the days go by.
Thanks for sticking around,