Sunday, March 6, 2011


I came across Christopher Jonassen's Devour project this weekend and could NOT STOP looking at it.  Take a look at the images from this project and try to guess what they are.

Source: via Sheena on Pinterest

Source: via Sheena on Pinterest

Source: via Sheena on Pinterest

Source: via Sheena on Pinterest

Did you guess planets?

Jonassen actually photographed the bottom of frying pans in order to comment on the "wear and tear" that each has experienced.  What I love most about the project is the way each pan reveals its history.   I definitely flipped over my frying pans after viewing his project.

You can check out more of Jonassen's work by viewing his website (where you can also buy his book, Devour) or by viewing his flicker account.  Great photographer.


1 comment:

  1. I thought it was the head of some old nails. I wouldn't have guessed frying pan cause the handles aren't in the pictures.
